Training Program on
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Geophysical Data Analysis
- March 8-9, 2025
- March 10-14, 2025
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are advancing at a rapid pace in the field of geophysics, creating new prospects for mapping and modeling the Earth. These data-driven methods are useful adjuncts particularly for physical-based modeling, simulation, and inversion in the geosciences. Taking this into concern, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute (CSIR-NGRI) is organizing an advanced training program on AI & ML for Geophysical Data Analysis. This trainingprogram aims to bring international/national professionals from academia and industry to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and trends of machine learning, and artificial intelligence for geophysical applications. The important outcome of the training program is to impart hands-on-training mainly to participants from academic and R&D institutes.
About the Training-Program
This five-day training program is designed to introduce the theory and applications of AI & ML in geosciences. Equal emphasis will be placed on theoretical concepts and practical sessions to ensure a balanced learning experience. Additionally, a two-day pre-training session will focus on introducing Python programming and various execution platforms, providing participants with the necessary foundation. Participants will work on small projects to apply their learning and certificate will be issued upon successful completion. This program aims to equip attendees with both theoretical knowledge and handson skills for utilizing AI & ML techniques in geoscientific applications.
Training schedule
Python: Introduction, Installation, Variables, General Datatypes, Loops (if, for, else, while), Functions, Jupyter notebook, google Colab
Dr. Ajay Malkoti
Dr. Pavan K.Vengala
Python libraries: Pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, tensor flow, pytorch, Preparing and cleaning of data for processing
Python - Building a simple AI/ML model
Dr. Kalyan Netti
Dr. M. Ojha
Welcome address and Inaugural talk
Training program logistics/Objectives and overview of training: Dr. Ranjana Ghosh/Mahak Singh Chauhan/Kalyan Netti
HIGH TEA 10:30 - 11:00
Lecture 1
Introduction to Machine Learning - Geoscience applications
Prof. M. K. Sen
Lecture 2
Statistics: Probability Distribution, Bayesian inference
Prof. Sanjay Srinivasan
Lecture 3
Optimization Methods, Gradient Descent, Stochastic GD, ADAM, Newton
Prof. M. K. Sen
LAB exercises
Python: optimization methods, GD, SGD, ADAM
Prof. M. K. Sen
Dr. Maheswar Ojha
Lecture 4
Linear Algebra basics; Vector space, Linear system of equations and solutions (Ax=b); Norms, Least Squares, Regularization
Dr. Ranjit Shaw
Lecture 5
Linear and Logistic Regression, Loss functions
Dr. Flavio Cannavo
LAB exercises
Dr. Flavio Cannavo
Lecture 6
Unsupervised ML - clustering, decision trees, random forest, SVN
Prof. Sanjay Srinivasan
LAB exercises
Prof. Sanjay Srinivasan
Dr. Yangkang Chen
Lecture 7
Applications of ML & Quantum Computing in Geosciences
Dr. Prakash Kumar
Mr. B. Dalai
Lecture 8
Neural Networks, Back Propagation
Dr. Flavio Cannavo
LAB exercises
Dr. Flavio Cannavo
Lecture 9
Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network and Auto-Encoders
Dr. Yangkang Chen
LAB exercises
Dr. Yangkang Chen
Lecture 10
Machine Learning for Reservoir Characterization
Dr. Ranjit Shaw
Project Executions
Small Projects will be given to the participants to execute their learning skills: seismic, seismology, well-log, MT and potential field data
Mentors : Prof. M. K. Sen, Prof. Sanjay Srinivasan, Dr. Flavio Cannavo
- Seismology: Dr. Pawan Vengala (NGRI), Bijayananda Dalai (NGRI)
- Seismic/Well-log: Dr. M. Ojha (NGRI), Dr. Ajay Malkoti (NGRI),
Dr. Priyadarshi Chinmay (WIHG, Dehradun), Dr. Amrita Singh (NGRI) - MT and Potential Field: Dr. B. P. K. Patro (NGRI), Dr. Mahak Singh Chauhan (NGRI)
- Technical supervision: Dr. Kalyan Netti (NGRI)
Registration Fees
Fee includes training fee, course material, working lunch, Tea and Snacks
- Industry Professionals 20,000
- Scientist/Faculty 10,000
- Research Scholars 5,000
- Students 2,500
Accommodation can be provided at CSIR-NGRI campus on payment basis to the selected (firstcum- first basis) participants
Dr. Prakash Kumar
Director, CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad
Dr. Ranjana Ghosh
Dr. Mahak Singh Chauhan
Prof. Mrinal K. Sen
UTIG, Austin, USA
Dr. B. P. K. Patro
Dr. Kalyan Netti
Dr. Maheswar Ojha
Dr. P. K. Vengala
Faculty Members
Established in 1961, the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) is a constituent research laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). NGRI's mission is to carry out public-good science research to help stakeholders in the public and private sectors, government agencies, and the general public make well-informed decisions on the sustainable use of georesources and to increase preparedness and resilience to natural catastrophes. With a workforce of scientists, highly skilled technical staff members, research scholar as well as cutting-edge laboratory and computational facilities. NGRI is dedicated to address the challenges of the near future and leverage science to impact societal priorities in collaboration with sister agencies, the public sector, and private industry.
About Hyderabad
Hyderabad, a vibrant city with a rich history spanning over 400 years, is the capital of Telangana and one of India's largest metropolitan city. Known for its ancient civilization and cultural heritage, the city is celebrated for its unique blend of tradition and modernity. Perched atop the Deccan Plateau at an elevation of 540 meters above sea level, Hyderabad spans an area of approximately 650 Sq. kilometers. A multitude of influences have shaped the character of the city. Its palaces and buildings, houses and tenements, gardens and streets have a history and an architectural individuality of their own, which makes Hyderabad a city of enchantment.