Jigyasa is to extend the classroom learning by focusing on well-planned research laboratory based learning for school. The Jigyasa program thus initiated on the directive of Hon’ble PM in CSIR Society Meeting.


CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, a premium institute of Earth Science research in India is actively involved in the outreach activities under the “JIGYASA” (a Hindi word which means curiosity), a flagship program of CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India). To tap and trigger the innate curiosity of the students and general public about the Earth, CSIR-NGRI conducts various outreach activities to explain about Earth’s evolution, its environment, natural resources and natural hazards etc. CSIR-NGRI welcomes students to visit its state-of-art laboratories and analytical facilities, conducts webinars for students and the general public, distribute booklets in various languages. CSIR-NGRI researchers and students also visit schools / colleges in different parts of India. Through lectures, models, Do-It-Yourself activities, quiz, conducting education camps, and print / electronic media; we spread awareness about rock types, exploration and exploitation of natural resources, phenomena of earthquakes and Tsunami, earthquake risks and precautions, extent and sustainability of groundwater etc. Further, CSIR-NGRI has open-air rock museum, first of its kind in the country, with large number of rock samples from different geological regions to educate students and general public about different types of rocks, their formation and information provided by these rocks. Since the initiation of “JIGYASA” program, CSIR-NGRI reached approximately 25,000 students and the general public through its outreach activities.

Our goal is to promote curiosity and wonder in the field of Earth Science through a series of engaging and interactive events and activities.

Workshops    Competitions
Events       Lectures


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